Sunday, May 18, 2008

Obama and Clinton: Any Government Power You Can Expand, I Can Expand Better

It would be funny if it weren't so frightening. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are trying to outdo each other in the magnitude to which each promises to expand the power of the government.
Obama suggests that he plans to put an end to such evil practices as driving SUVs, eating as much a person wants, and enjoying climate controlled homes. Here's the money-quote:

"We can't drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times ... and then just expect that other countries are going to say OK... That's not leadership. That's not going to happen,"
Exactly what is "not going to happen" if Obama is elected President? Will Americans still have the freedom to drive SUVs, eat as much as we want, or control the temperature in our own homes? The presumptive Democrat nominee believes that all this freedom we enjoy to live our lives as we choose needs to be curbed in order to make sure the rest of the world is "OK" with us. By "leadership" does he mean that the Philosopher/King Obama will decide for us what we will drive, how much we will eat, and where our thermostats will be set? If not, then will he please explain what he means by "that's not going to happen."

Not to be outdone, Hillary announced that the government under an HRC presidency will have the power to decide how much profit a company (big evil oil especially) will be allowed to make. She would like to claim for herself the power to take the rest and use it to fund a tax break for the rest of the country. If big oil has too much money, as HRC suggests, then doesn't it follow that big government has WAY too much money? The big oil companies are pikers compared to the government when it comes to taking exorbitant amounts of our money. HRC won't ask big government go without their kickback on the price we pay at the pump... Hillary wants to take that money from the pockets of private citizens.

If this stuff doesn't scare you, you just might be a socialist.

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